Are you aware that in the design of man-made living environments, the technology of pure knowledge called VAASTU(VASTU), which revives Natural Law, is gradually gaining popularity?
VAASTU, also known as Indian Feng shui, originates from ancient India and is a branch of the profound knowledge called Veda*1. It can be considered as environmental architecture.
In the relationship between nature and man-made environments, the principle that the environment supports our lives by harmonizing living environments with Natural Law was discovered.
Many people may not realize that improper design of living environments, such as homes, workplaces, and cities, based on incorrect knowledge, can lead to negative effects such as poor health and misfortune.
In contrast to such negative influences that invite misfortune, VAASTU is said to enhance positive and evolutionary influences and attract good fortune.
In modern times, the knowledge of VAASTU is being rediscovered, and its methods are increasingly being incorporated into architecture.
VAASTU(Wastu)refers to the pure field(realm), sacred boundary, and Vedic environmental architecture, and is generally considered to be Indian Feng shui.
Due to its effects, it is regarded as the yoga of architecture, meaning the unified science.
Additionally, VAASTU is referred to as sthapaty, which means to establish in Sanskrit. It is a branch of the Vedas, considered the pure knowledge, originating from ancient India.
It represents the law of the universe perceived by ancient sages(Rishis)at a deep level of consciousness.
VAASTU is said to be the most ancient and complete body of knowledge of architecture and design, considering the influences of the universe, including the positions of the poles and the equator on Earth, the Sun, the Moon, and other planets in the solar system.
It is the knowledge that teaches how to design man-made living environments in perfect harmony with Natural Law — in other words, the structure and function of the cosmos — enabling us to fully enjoy the blessings of nature.
In this article, man-made living environments refer narrowly to the construction of buildings such as homes, workplaces, and schools, and more broadly to town planning, urban development, and ultimately, the creation of environments as a whole.
The pure knowledge of Veda on Earth originated in ancient India and spread to countries around the world.
In the 25th century BCE, traces of VAASTU can be observed in ancient ruins, such as the city of Mohenjo-daro in the Indus Valley Civilization, one of the four great civilizations, and in the 12th century, the temple architecture of Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
![]() Mohenjodaro |
![]() Angkor Wat from the air |
Author: M.Imran Source: Licensing: This file is licensed under Creative Commons. |
Author: Charles J Sharp Source: Licensing: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons. |
Over the course of many years, the knowledge of VAASTU has been passed down only in limited capacity such as temple construction in its home country, India. Apart from the intellectuals, it was generally unknown, and the knowledge of Veda declined and was largely forgotten.
However, in recent years, the pure knowledge was revived by sages and introduced to the West. It was noticed, understood, and widely adopted by those seeking spirituality, leading to it being re-imported back into India.
Furthermore, the knowledge of Veda is once again being appreciated and becoming widely known around the world.
Yoga, known as a method of spiritual practice, and Ayurveda, known as the science of life, which are becoming commonly recognized in Japan, are also branches of Veda.
For reference, in the history of Japan, VAASTU has been incorporated into ancient shrine and temple architecture.
The five-story pagoda, as a representative example, embodies the principles of the five great elements — Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth — from its top to bottom. These principles lead to the five elements philosophy of Buddhist cosmology.
Buddhism branched off from Brahmanism, which originated from the Vedic scriptures of India. During its development, it spread over the Himalayas, through Tibet, and from China to Japan.
From the above, it can be understood that Buddhist architecture, which can be considered a part of shrine and temple architecture, has significant connections to and origins in Vedic VAASTU.
Similarly, traditional Chinese medicine, which spread to Japan from China, is believed to have its roots in Indian Ayurveda.
In contemporary times, the methods of VAASTU are not limited to Indian temples and intellectuals, but have become popular on the West Coast of the United States, where there is a high concentration of Indian immigrants. Additionally, some of the world's millionaires have adopted these methods, spreading them to the business world and to the general public.
It is often seen on the internet that leading American companies and overseas Japanese companies utilize VAASTU(although we have never seen official information from these companies, so the authenticity is uncertain). Additionally, there was an article mentioning that the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur has incorporated VAASTU into its curriculum since August 2017.
Everything in the entire universe is interrelated with everything else, and together they exist in perfect harmony.
Natural Law refers to the various laws and principles of the natural world, which govern the entire universe, including nature and life.
We are part of all creation, governed by these laws.
Nature can also be considered as the universe.
The principles of VAASTU connect individual lives with all of nature(the universe).
As a reference, these manifestations of Natural Law can be understood as the divine presence or the concept of God in religion and spirituality.
From the above, it can be understood that the design of man-made living environments, such as buildings and cities, should also be in perfect harmony with Natural Law — in other words, the structure and function of the cosmos — and must blend seamlessly into nature.
For example, in physiological studies, it has been found that there is a precise relationship of the brain physiology to its cosmic counterparts in the structure and function of the cosmos.
Additionally, it is known as self-similarity, where the whole and its parts have the same shape.
The shape of a plant leaf, when magnified in its details, looks the same as the overall shape. The microscopic structure of an atom, with electrons orbiting around the nucleus, is said to be identical to the solar system, where planets revolve around the Sun, and even the macroscopic structure of the universe.
This indicates that the inner intelligence of everything sustains every individual structure in nature. At the same time, by permeating everything in creation, it sustains the holistic value of the universe.
Since everything in the natural world(the entire universe)is a manifestation of intelligence, the natural world and the universe possess proper arrangement, proportion, and dimensions.
Indeed, when we look at the human body, which is a manifestation of that intelligence, we see that the skeleton, muscles, and internal organs are all properly arranged both structurally and functionally. Their respective shapes and sizes are regulated by precise proportions.
Any deviation from this balance results in disharmony, leading to compromised health and the emergence of problems.
This demonstrates that the alignment between man-made structures, such as buildings and cities, and the structure of the universe is the very principle of VAASTU and represents the most optimal state.
All artificial structures that are not properly arranged disrupt the natural order.
Now is the time to revive and apply the knowledge of VAASTU even further.
At the core of the Vedas lies the concept of the five great elements*2.
Therefore, achieving balance with nature also means balancing these five great elements.
In VAASTU, based on cardinal directions, the shape of a building is designed as a square or rectangle, and elements such as floor plans and openings are combined to establish the completeness of the five great elements suited to each environment.
Following this, we will explain details in Design based on VAASTU(VASTU).
VAASTU also functions to prevent the intrusion of negative influences from both inside and outside.
The Meissner effect in quantum physics is a fundamental property of superconductors, whereby when a magnetic field is applied to a superconductor, no magnetic flux penetrates inside the superconductor.
Similarly, in nature, there is a principle in physics where harmonious collective functions repel disruptive influences.
This principle also applies directly to VAASTU. It is believed that buildings and cities designed with proper knowledge do not allow the intrusion of negative influences from the outside, nor do they generate such influences from within.
The fundamental principle of VAASTU is to align man-made designs with Natural Law, harmonizing them with the structure and function of the cosmos, thereby maximizing the blessings of nature.
VAASTU can be described as a highly attractive technology for busy modern people, as it enables them to maximize the support of nature simply by living in environments such as homes, workplaces, or cities designed according to its principles.
A balanced environment that harmonizes with Natural Law and allows us to enjoy its blessings will support every aspect of our daily activities, bringing us health, happiness, and success.
Natural Law that benefits us the most on Earth is derived from the solar system, centered around the Sun.
The seven planets(Grahas)of the solar system — the Sun(Surya), the Moon(Chandra), Mars(Mangal), Mercury(Budha), Jupiter(Guru), Venus(Shukra), and Saturn(Shani)— are considered fundamental components of Natural Law influencing the Earth.
In Jyotish, an ancient Indian astrology which is a branch of the Vedas, it is known to consider the influence of nine planets — including the seven planets and the two points of intersection of the paths of the Sun and the Moon, Rahu and Ketu — as well as the twelve zodiac signs.
The Sun, the center of the solar system, is the source of all life energy and natural circulation systems on Earth.
Solar energy is abundant, and it is said that the amount of solar energy reaching the surface of the Earth in one hour is greater than the amount of energy consumed by the world in a year.
The Sun generates different qualities of energy on its path from east to west.
Design based on VAASTU primarily considers the blessings of the Sun, ensuring that all environments are in harmony with the Sun's movement.
It is recommended to prioritize capturing the morning sunlight into living environments, as well as creating environments and lifestyles oriented toward the east, the direction of the rising sun. Various research institutions have demonstrated the benefits of exposure to morning sunlight and living in east-facing environments for enhancing life energy.
In building design, the different energies of the Sun are appropriately allocated to correspond to the specific functions or activities of each room in the living space.
In addition, the design takes into account the influence of the surrounding environment, including the quality and shape of the land, and the location of body of water(rivers, lakes, and ponds)and mountains. This consideration is also applied to the design of towns and cities.
The exterior of a building should ideally be simple and aesthetically pleasing, with a complete square or rectangular shape being recommended.
The orientation of the entrance to a building is extremely important. It is considered most desirable to have the entrance face due east, to capture the solar energy at sunrise. The next best option is to have the entrance face due north, to capture the positive effects of magnetic forces.
An entrance facing any direction other than due east or due north may cause various problems, such as poor health and imbalance in life.
It is strongly emphasized by the sages(Rishis)that an entrance facing south should be particularly avoided.
If the entrance faces south, some adjustments will be necessary.
⇒ Please refer to the later section, VAASTU(VASTU) and ‘ Kūkan Healing ’.
In terms of floor plans, it is important to properly allocate each room according to its specific function.
The environment should be designed to harness the unique qualities of each planet in the solar system, and balance between yin and yang, like the Sun and the Moon.
In the dining room, the quality of the digestive fire(Agni*3)is important. It should be placed in a location that enhances appetite and improves digestion, allowing for a comfortable dining experience.
The study should be placed in a location where intelligence functions well, knowledge is absorbed, and concentration is enhanced. This is associated with Mercury and Jupiter.
Mercury represents intellect, discernment, and writing, while Jupiter represents knowledge and wisdom. The design should ensure that the qualities suitable for study are activated.
The living room(recreation room)should be placed in a location that provides rest during activity, enhances the quality of each individual, and is suitable for fulfillment, hobbies, and socializing. This is associated with Venus.
Venus represents enjoyment, desires, music, and harmony, and the design should ensure that qualities leading to comfort are activated.
Additionally, the nature of Lakshmi*4, the manifestation of Natural Law of prosperity, is also very important.
The bedroom should be located in a place where one can rest both physically and mentally. This is associated with the element of water and the Moon.
The Moon represents the mind, healing, and gentleness, and the design should ensure that qualities conducive to rest are activated.
The toilet should be located in a place that promotes healthy elimination.
The bathroom should be located in a place that helps relieve the fatigue of the day and restores the balance of body and mind. In Ayurveda, which is related to VAASTU, it is said that balancing life energy(dosha*5)is beneficial for maintaining health.
Among the doshas, Vata*5 is the most prone to imbalance during daily activities, and the function of the bathroom in restoring body and mind is primarily to balance Vata.
Common cold symptoms are also caused by an imbalance of Vata.
Even storage spaces such as closets or built-in cabinets, which occupy part of a living area, should be placed in locations conducive to organization and tidiness.
When positioned correctly, they align with Natural Law that supports organization and tidiness, allowing the space to achieve better flow and harmony.
The proper arrangement of each individual room creates the overall dwelling, and collectively, forms towns and cities.
The individual and the whole together create a unified entity.
The concept of the five great elements is alive in the entire environment, including the planets of the solar system and all related knowledge.
This is the essence of VAASTU design.
Modern research has revealed that the creation of environments and lifestyles oriented toward the east, effectively capturing the morning sunlight, is also physiologically beneficial.
We will provide a few examples.
A report by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare explains the importance of exposure to morning sunlight.
Human brain physiology, which naturally involves being active during the day and sleeping at night, includes an internal clock that controls biological rhythms. However, this internal clock does not have the same cycle as the Earth's 24-hour rotation but is slightly longer, about 25 hours.
Therefore, by being exposed to morning sunlight, it is necessary to reset the internal clock through the light information received by the eyes, creating a rhythm suitable for daily activities.
The internal clock controls the secretion of a hormone called melatonin, which helps us sleep about 14 to 16 hours after waking up.
Additionally, the optimal time for sleep is from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m., when melatonin is secreted. During this period, deep sleep is more easily attained, and a greater amount of growth hormone is released. Therefore, sleeping during this time is said to be important for recovery from fatigue and brain activity.
The latest neuro-scientific research shows that one's brain cells respond according to their orientation.
It has been found that the brain's physiological functions when facing east differ from those when facing other directions.
These tendencies in brain function align with the principles addressed by VAASTU(VASTU).
Additionally, moderate sun exposure in the morning is considered beneficial for maintaining health.
While excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation from sunlight is harmful to the human body, there is the advantage that ultraviolet exposure is less intense in the morning.
Since ancient times, people have sought to maximize the blessings of nature by centering their lives around the Sun. This is evident in sun worship and many ancient ruins, and this wisdom has been passed down to the present day.
The admiration for the shining sun and stars has become a form of worship, leading to the creation of numerous cosmic myths and the birth of astrology since ancient times.
Traces of sun worship and astronomical observation can be seen in many ancient civilizations.
In order to receive the blessings of nature, astronomical knowledge was meticulously organized, and accurate calendars were created to understand natural phenomena in relation to time.
Many civilizations, such as the Mayan civilization with their Calendar Pyramid and the Inca Empire with Intihuatana at Machu Picchu, constructed solar observatories that marked the winter and summer solstices in line with the ruins on the horizon. These include ruins with openings precisely designed to capture the morning sunlight or sites like Stonehenge in England, where stones are arranged in long rows oriented toward the solstices.
Each civilization used their knowledge to design dwellings, build dining areas, and develop various other facilities.
An asana(yoga pose)known as Surya Namaskar*6(Sun Salutation), which continues to be practiced to this day, is known for being performed in the morning, facing the rising sun in the east.
The custom of worshipping the sunrise from high mountains, such as observing the first sunrise of the year, reflects the remnants of sun worship, which regards the dawn sunlight as sacred, and bathing in it is believed to purify the body and offer prayers.
In fact, facing east and basking in the early morning sunlight brings a refreshing sensation and a surge of energy.
Our predecessors likely discovered ways to intuitively enjoy the blessings of Natural Law by following their innate, pure intelligence.
When VAASTU enhances the entire environment, including us, our consciousness naturally harmonizes with Natural Law(the intelligence of the universe), and our thoughts and actions effortlessly align with Natural Law.
The self transcends its boundaries, connects to the ordered whole, and begins to function as a part of the integrated whole. In the Vedas, this is described as the essence of the Atman.
Global environmental problems are caused by human activities driven by misguided thinking, disrupting the natural circulation system.
Natural circulation system is Natural Law itself.
Currently, the excessive activities driven by human ego are increasing the burden on the environment.
The Earth's self-purifying function, represented by natural circulation, is being disrupted, reaching a point of irreversible damage, and the environment around us is crying out in distress.
If our consciousness works to naturally support the natural circulation system through VAASTU, misguided thinking will be altered, and a sustainable environment should be restored.
Nature is highly efficient.
It is free of waste and inherently energy-saving.
According to Veda, pure knowledge, it is said that the principle of leverage operates in nature, yielding maximum results with minimum effort.
VAASTU, the Veda of the environment, is also based on this principle.
By relying on intellect in accordance with Natural Law, we can achieve effective results.
For example, as stated in Design based on VAASTU(VASTU), the improper arrangement of rooms can produce effects aligned with their specific functions. By living in such a space, it is believed that one can naturally achieve maximum results with minimum effort.
In the dining room, the element of Agni promotes appetite, digestion, and absorption, thereby revitalizing the entire body.
In the study, intellect functions well, allowing one to concentrate and acquire knowledge in a short amount of time, thereby saving effort.
In the living room, one can relax and engage in good communication, thus efficiently maintaining family harmony.
In the bedroom, one can get sufficient sleep, allowing for effective use of time without feeling drowsy during active hours.
In the toilet, healthy elimination is facilitated, thereby efficiently maintaining proper physiological functions.
In the bathroom, one can restore balance to mind and body, effectively relieving fatigue.
In the floor plan based on VAASTU, Natural Law supports all aspects of life, such as dining, studying or working, resting, sleeping, and elimination, in a functional manner, enhancing the vitality of our lives.
Living in accordance with Natural Law, as described, leads to energy conservation.
Being in harmony with Natural Law is fulfilling and free of all waste. It enables yielding maximum results with minimum effort, is broadly environmentally friendly, and is easy to implement.
Through VAASTU, as our consciousness changes, our lifestyle also transforms, making it possible to create a sustainable environment that coexists with nature(the universe).
From this, we can understand that our very consciousness is what creates the environment.
HIMALAYAHOUSE® understands that the environment in which we exist and the environment that exists with us play a key role in the success of our consciousness and actions.
In an environment that is in harmony with Natural Law, all aspects of nature work in our favor, offering support and bringing health, happiness, and success.
Originally, the ideal form of society is one where the environment and all life within it coexist with nature, filled with harmony and happiness.
The ideal form, or in other words, the true nature, refers to the blueprint of an orderly universe.
Unfortunately, the ideal form(purity)is breaking down in various domains today.
HIMALAYAHOUSE understands that a major reason for this breakdown lies in the improper VAASTU(VASTU).
The reason is that on Earth, the wisdom of the Vedas has been lost in the creation of environments such as buildings and city planning, and as a result, various artificial structures have been built based on incorrect knowledge.
In cities, the arrangement of roads and buildings is chaotic, and the proper orientations according to VAASTU are ignored.
The entrances of towns and buildings in Japan are predominantly south-facing, rather than due east or due north.
This is because, in architectural design, southern exposure is prioritized for better sunlight.
It has been taught by the sages(Rishis)that structures created based on incorrect knowledge disrupt the flow of positive energy and adversely affect not only people but also the surrounding environment as a whole.
The impact may amplify and spread over the years, potentially leading to the chronic disruption of Natural Law.
Moreover, it not only hinders the enhancement of our consciousness but may also become a factor that lowers its level, which is a cause for concern.
We believe the time has come to accelerate the improvement of intelligence and intellect of those who are at the forefront of activities concerning the global environment.
Improper arrangement of the environment may eventually lead people to be controlled by wrong thinking.
This leads to the invasion of living surroundings(environments)and the disruption of the order of both oneself and the surrounding environment, through the pursuit of self-interest and misguided self-preservation without regard for the environment.
Here, there is a need to create better public natures.
In Japan, during the period of rapid economic growth, large-scale pollution caused by some companies led to serious health problems for residents, including Minamata disease, Yokkaichi asthma, and Itai-itai disease.
In recent years, health issues caused by exposure to electromagnetic waves, sick building syndrome, hay fever, as well as symptoms of atopy and allergies, have become increasingly prevalent, highlighting the urgent need for environmental measures.
Furthermore, genetically modified crops promoted by the profit-driven mindset of certain corporations are spreading worldwide, raising concerns about environmental pollution, ecosystem disruption, and the destruction of traditional agriculture caused by unnatural food chains.
At the individual level, environmentally harmful(nuisance)behaviors are becoming widespread.
It can be seen as a clear manifestation of the deactivation of collective consciousness.
It is understood that there is a need for the activation of intellect through VAASTU and the establishment of highly pure consciousness among people.
This knowledge addresses the issue of the lack of public natures in modern society.
Furthermore, public natures are defined as the generation of providential benefits based on the order of both individuals and the surrounding environment as a whole.
For the environment and the entire Earth, the construction of VAASTU that maintains good order is extremely important.
The awakening of our consciousness through Natural Law is required.
However, in the current situation, it is challenging to immediately construct buildings and other structures based on VAASTU in the surrounding environment.
While cities, towns, and buildings designed according to VAASTU are ideal, urban restructuring and rebuilding are not easy.
Therefore, since 1999, HIMALAYAHOUSE® has been advocating for the creation of a rich environment through ‘ Kūkan Healing ’. Aiming for the construction of VAASTU, we encourage you to make use of our ‘ Kūkan Healing ’ Coordination.
Thank you for taking the time to read this long article. We truly appreciate it — just a little more to go.
‘ Kūkan Healing ’, originated by HIMALAYAHOUSE®, is an original science created to revive the lost wisdom of VAASTU.
It was developed with the aim of enlivening Natural Law and recalling the original state of the environment and consciousness.
Here, we would like to introduce ‘ Kūkan Healing ’ Coordination using Yantra Art, HOMAPANEL®*7.
By displaying and appreciating HOMAPANEL, we aim to enliven Natural Law.
Yantra ‘ Kūkan Healing ’ Art, HOMAPANEL | ||
Left | ||
HOMAPANEL®︎ | Durga® 6 | |
Art theme | Aiming to activate the field related to Space(one of the five great elements), Indra and Jupiter. | |
Themed around protecting and establishing intellect, intuition, righteousness and knowledge. | ||
Price | JPY88,000(consumption tax included) | |
Right | ||
HOMAPANEL®︎ | Mahabharata® | |
Art theme | Karma: Themed around offsetting the bad karma that hinders the evolution, and the bad behavior that has been done in the past. | |
Price | JPY88,000(consumption tax included) | |
Note: The image is partially processed. |
Now, let us share the simplest coordination method.
First, choose one or several HOMAPANEL that resonate with you, trusting your intuition.
Our system, even unconsciously, has a program to adjust inactive areas or imbalances in elements in order to live in harmony with Natural Law.
If the element of water is inactive, it is expected that things related to the element of water will be chosen.
If the auditory realm is inactive, it is expected that things related to the auditory realm will be chosen.
If the realm of married life is inactive, it is expected that things related to the realm of married life will be chosen by necessity.
Therefore, please make full use of the HOMAPANEL you have chosen.
It can also be carried with you wherever you go.
We will guide you at our gallery, event venue, or via in-person meetings and Zoom.
Aiming to support VAASTU in all environments, from cities, workplaces, schools, and residences to human physiology and consciousness, it will influence our life energy.
So, what is the relationship between the enhancement of the environment and consciousness?
When the enhancement of the environment is sought through the display of HOMAPANEL, it is believed that the improvement in the quality of the environment will enhance the consciousness of the people living within it.
This is because people are shaped by the state of their environment.
In other words, the environment creates consciousness(people).
When the enhancement of consciousness is sought through the appreciation of HOMAPANEL, it is believed that the improvement in the quality of consciousness will lead to the creation of a better environment.
This is because the environment is shaped by the way people exist.
In other words, consciousness(people)creates the environment.
In this way, the environment and consciousness influence and support each other.
Valuing this mutual relationship, HIMALAYAHOUSE provides ‘ Kūkan Healing ’ Coordination to create a rich and beautiful environment for the next generation.
📄As a more effective way to utilize HOMAPANEL, we also offer Altar Coordination.
The Altar by HIMALAYAHOUSE is designed to allow you to enjoy the blessings of VAASTU without changing your current floor plan.
Please make use of it.
this world is created from the eternal unchanging absolute — one and only — through the play of the Creator, expressed as four ideas(aspects): the Word, Time, Space, and subtle particles.
The wisdom of VAASTU lies in unifying our consciousness and truly understanding the play of the Creator.
Everything is One.
Errors in knowledge that disrupted the original form(purity)have entered a correction phase since around 2000, and each day, we can feel the restoration of the natural order.
In the process of the restoration, there seem to be significant reactions from nature, including frequent occurrences of natural disasters such as climate change and earthquakes.
By heeding the warnings of nature and reflecting on harmful human activities, global efforts toward coexistence with nature are underway.
Along with the revival of correct knowledge, it seems that people's consciousness is also somewhat improving.
The signs of the revival of VAASTU(VASTU)can also be understood as one of its manifestations.
From the wisdom of VAASTU, we are called to follow pure thinking and fulfill our Dharma(mission).
Dharma is the role and mission given to each individual to contribute purely to society.
It represents the righteous path derived from the order of nature.
When we strive to fulfill our Dharma, we will surely feel a strong sense that Natural Law smiles upon us and the environment supports us.
Then, we hope that the support from nature will nurture us, and in turn, we will support nature, creating a virtuous cycle that spreads beauty and prosperity throughout the world.
We regard it as our responsibility, as those living in the present, both to build VAASTU that restores a healthy environment and to secure a bright future for the next generation.
HIMALAYAHOUSE® supports VAASTU with the aim of creating beautiful and prosperous environments in accordance with Natural Law.
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